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Flex Your Power Case Study: City of Napa

An Effective Practice


In 2001, the city appointed its water resources specialist as Energy Coordinator. The coordinator's responsibilities were to communicate with the State and to coordinate the city's energy efficiency, conservation and public education campaigns. Several programs were implemented, including conservation/efficiency programs in HVAC, lighting, and office equipment; the use of alternative and/or renewable energy sources; and public outreach programs.

Goal / Mission

Napa's goal was to save up to 15 percent in electricity usage in 2001.

Results / Accomplishments

In the summer of 2001, Napa reduced overall electricity usage more than 10 percent compared with July-October 2000. The city's five major downtown buildings collectively reduced their electricity usage 18 percent compared with the same time period in 2000. Overall, for July-October 2001, the city saved roughly 2,300 kWh per day. The lower electricity usage for the summer of 2001 was attributed to voluntary employee office practices, the continuing benefits of pre-2001 capital projects (fluorescent lighting retrofits, installation of occupancy sensors and red LED traffic light retrofits) and some
limited generator operation. For its efforts, Napa received more than $10,000 in rebates from Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) as part of the State's 20/20 rebate program.

About this Promising Practice

City of Napa
Primary Contact
Patrick Costello, Water Resources Specialist, Energy Coordinator
1340 Clay St.
PO Box 660
Napa, CA 94559
(707) 257-9309
Environmental Health / Energy & Sustainability
City of Napa
Flex Your Power Efficiency Partnership
Date of publication
Date of implementation
Napa, CA

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